Archived Events

The Lacuna Festivals 2021

Artist Statement - May 16, 2021

Devils Punchbowl, Oregon Coast USA

As I drove the 2 1/2 hours to the beach this day, I recalled the long drive I took to San Francisco, where I first experienced a collaborative sand art workshop with environmental artist Andres Amador, over 3 years ago. The pin on my Google Maps guided me that day, however, getting there was more of a grand adventure. Now, 3 years later, I pin my location on the beach at Devils Punchbowl. The grand scale of this work is breathtaking, yet somehow it looks like it is part of the natural landscape. The 2 images not only signify the distance from the high tide mark to the incoming tide, but the distance I have travelled to get to this point in my life. From one Pin, I am not only connected to people and artists all over the world, but I am also connected to my own sense of purpose. “Going the Distance” is a reminder of the steps I have taken, the adventures I have endeavored to undertake and the amazing people I have encountered on my journey. 

Odessa Ford was one of 328 artists from all over the world participating in the Lacuna Festivals 2021. The launch was scheduled for July 2, 2021 and ends August 1, 2021.  The online Galleries are a wonderful way to experience Ford's, and other artists contributions, from the comfort of home. The theme Distance was interpreted in many different ways and through various mediums. Going the Distance was Ford's Large Scale Earthscape, created at Devils Punch Bowl Overlook, the work spanned over 150 yards from cliff to the low water mark.